
The summer school will include short intensive courses by our invited speakers:

  • Barbara Partee (UMass Amherst) on semantic analysis of pronominal elements
  • Colin Phillips (University of Maryland) on processing anaphoric dependencies (based on evidence from psycho- and neurolinguistic studies)
  • Eric Reuland (UiL OTS) on syntactic models of anaphoric dependencies

The information about the schedule and the venue is available here (the summer school is integrated with a small conference also dedicated to anaphoric dependencies). Here are short descriptions of lectures. Materials will appear here. The students of the school will have an opportunity to present their own research during a poster session and to receive feedback from experts and peers. Here are abstracts for the student poster session.

The school is aimed primarily at graduate students in linguistics (motivated BA students 3rd year and up can participate as well). The school does not provide scholarships. Tuition fee is not charged either.

Registration: April 12 to June 1, 2015. To register please fill out the form: Please note that we will be able to provide visa support only to participants who register no later than May 1, 2015.